Disc Personality Profile
“The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.” – Thales
That tug you feel in your heart? The one that says things aren’t quite right—that’s your intuition begging for deeper self-discovery.
Because deep down, you know the best way to fill a role within a team, manage your time better, achieve your goals, and appreciate your attributes is deeper self-knowledge.
The DISC Personality Profile brings those insights out and helps you achieve more.
The DISC Personality Profile Includes:
A research-based assessment of your personality traits
A custom 18-page report on your DISC profile
1 Hour Coaching session and discussion around your results
Empowerment to understand how to best perform in your environment
This program is best suited for:
Individuals seeking to improve their performance and relationships
HR professionals who want to help employees better understand their strengths, weaknesses, and roles
Price includes VAT

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