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So a horse can help you with your career!

Updated: Feb 24, 2021

It may seem a little farfetched to believe that a horse can help you to make career choices. However to each person who did attend, it now makes perfect sense and so much so that they all agreed it would be valuable to attend a follow-up workshop in three months’ time.

In the picture you will see their career coach, the one with four legs – Porto. No CVs, no psychometric tests, no quick fixes but everyone discovered that they could, with a little help form Porto, discover the emotions, energy and behaviour that will take them along a path to their true career destination. No one came away saying that they were, for example, going into digital marketing or hotel and catering but they all came away with much greater clarity and commitment to their authentic and inwardly satisfying career options.

There were one or two moments of epiphany. “When I was confused about choices Porto found it difficult to work with me, and then I thought that if I eliminated one of the choices there would be no adverse impact. With that vision in my head Porto worked closely with me and the way ahead became clear”

This pilot workshop run by Kiki Kirby, from Kiki Kirby Coaching and Graham Dawson, from LeadChange (both also in the photo) has demonstrated that this unique and powerful process delivers excellent results. One participant summed it up as “Real experiences with real results”.

If you would like to find out more about our future workshops then please contact either Graham Dawson ( or Kiki Kirby (

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