Coaching and Consultancy. Two familiar words?… Yes! No! Maybe you’ve heard of them before, but you don’t actually know what they mean?
Two of our most frequently asked questions are ‘what is a [life coach/business coach/coach in general/business consultant/people consultant]?’ and ‘why do I need one?’ So, let me be the bearer of good news – I’ve got the answers here for you.
Today’s article is taking a much more informative approach, by giving you a fly-on-the-wall experience into the world of KKC. Kiki Stanton, the founder of Kiki Kirby Coaching + Consultancy has over 18 years of experience, working with people and many organisations through her recruitment and coaching roles.
What can you expect from a life coach?
What do you think of when you hear the words ‘life coaching’? Are you a bit unsure and is that what’s holding you back from starting your life-changing journey?
Well, a life coach, whether in a 1:1 face-to-face session, a workshop, a webinar or just on a blog/social media is there to help you create a new relationship with yourself, re-align with your calling and fall back in love with your life and challenge your mind-set to think differently, in a positive way. There are many times where you are living in a vicious cycle of self-defeating thoughts, stuck carrying the massive weight of doubt on your shoulders and seeking deeper insight and alignment. What you’re really looking for, is clarity on your soul’s calling.
Whether you’ve lost your way due to a massive set back in life, grief of a career, a loved one, a relationship, the grief of not getting that promotion, a significate trauma or you have simply lost your enthusiasm for daily life, you’re not alone. This happens to everyone. I mean everyone at some stage or season of their life.
Empowering you with tools and strategies, the coach will motivate and inspire, build your confidence, make the goals you set seem achievable and then push you to heights to achieve them (beforehand this was once just a daydream).
Of course, it’s not an easy ride and coaches aren’t miracle workers, it requires pure, hard work and dedication. You have to want to be coached, more than anything else at that moment, to reap the full benefits. On the way, you’ll discover more and more about yourself and it will mould and shape you into the better you – the new and improved version of whatever you’re trying to aim towards.
A life coach empowers you in difficult situations because they are not there to tell you what to do. The answer is already within you and it’s their job to work with you to find it!
Coming out the other side of life coaching (when you’ve fully committed to it) is an incredible, unexplainable feeling. The whole weight of the world has been lifted from your shoulders and you know all the answers to get to where you’re destined to go. Your mind is filled with only positive affirmations.
Your limits can be extended to your own new perspective. In fact, you may not have any limits on what you can achieve after coaching. What an amazing feeling of freedom that would be!
Now, I know what you’re thinking… You need a life coach. Well, a life coach isn’t the only thing you might need! If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, employer, manager, team leader or thinking about taking that next step in your work life then please keep reading…
What can I expect from a people consultant?
Are your people at the heart of your organisation? Are you passionate about your people?
They should be because your people are your most important asset however, people bring people-based problems and these problems show up in the workplace all the time, resulting in failing processes, stress and burnout.
It might be hard for you as a business owner to add another plate to the already spinning ones, that are high above your head, so through this process of change, you can think of a consultant as your trusted advisor.
A people consultant is passionate about people. It’s a simple, yet effective addition to your business who understands you and what’s missing. They help to set achievable goals and although they cannot do all of the work for you, they will act as your accountability towards the evolution of your team, business and/or goals.
As your trusted advisor, a consultant will bring people-centred, profitable solutions to complex workplace problems, to ensure your people are thriving, happy and joyful. This happens with both ease and simplicity.
At KKC we typically cover these competencies: coaching, consultancy, learning & development, employee engagement, change in the workplace, team building, resourcing and retaining talent, goal setting and management, career changes, business development, personal and professional development, grief, stress and burnout.
The delivery of this happens through the implementation of workshops, individual or team coaching, webinars… (The list goes on) – All of which are bespoke to you and your needs. We value and appreciate every client that we work with.
Does a life coach sound like someone you need in your life? Or maybe you need a business consultant to take you/your team to the next level?
Do you need to get started with being and doing what you were fearlessly and wonderfully made for?
Take the first steps towards that change by downloading our free resources.
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• Coaching
We bring purposeful alignment to the clients we work with and change lives.
Written by: Kiki Stanton, Lucy Ford and Sophie Tune.