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Routines in life

Updated: Feb 24, 2021

Having routine in our lives is crucial to our success day-to-day, but why?

To start with, routine can be linked to efficiency as it eliminates the time needed to plan and make decisions. You automatically know what you’re doing when you wake up with routine in your life.

Being able to save time is huge in all our busy lives these days!

Routine also allows us to prioritise in life. You would know what’s important to complete in the day and if it’s routine you’re more likely to do it, perhaps even first thing to get it out of mind.

It helps us to relax better. Knowing by habit what you’re doing each day removes thoughts flying around your mind about what’s needed to be completed.

We feel more in control. You know what you need to do and so do it more easily without procrastination. There’s only so much we can control in our lives but routine can be one and the feeling of being in control for most is very desirable as it gives us power, puts us in the driving seat.

So, I’m going to take you through 4 routines that you should adopt in life, and share my experiences…

  1. Morning routine

Do you wake up each morning and reach for your phone to scroll through social media?

Instead I want you to switch this for mapping out your intentions for the day, thinking about what you want to achieve.

When looking at social media first thing, it won’t make you feel great and this time can be used for tuning in to how you feel and creating the right mindset.

The morning is the perfect time for you to have some ‘you’ time, get up 30 minutes before everyone in the house, and think about your day ahead over a coffee or your personal choice of drink.

  1. Evening routine

This is an important one as what we do in the evening can dictate our sleep massively. We need to wind down and switch off, review the day. What are you grateful for in your day? Social media should be a no-go 1-2 hours before bed. Instead be present with loved ones, read a good book, listen to some music. Rest is essential after a productive day, we all need it to start the next day feeling fresh.

  1. Weekly routine

Map out your week from meals to exercise to life admin that you need to get done. Writing it down means you’ll be more likely to achieve it. Map out the goals you want to achieve or make progress towards, make yourself accountable and write down actions that you want to achieve. Transform how you want to feel daily. Most importantly, when you reflect weekly and get into a weekly routine, you’ll very quickly learn what isn’t serving you anymore and what’s wasting your time – remove that.

  1. Monthly routine

Set 2-5 goals that you want to achieve in the month to help you keep focused and incorporate the actions to get there into your routine. Goals keep purpose and control in life and offer a sense of achievement. Enjoy the journey of getting to your goals, it should be joyful. It helps with knowing your intention every day. Review and set new goals every month to keep consistent and build the goals on character and faith, something you really, really want to aim for. If you want to help with setting goals, download our free guide.

Routine in your life is going to help you work towards your goals and feel more in control, organised and refreshed.

We hope this blog has helped you to think about your routine.

If you think this could help a friend, please direct them here!

What are you going to change in your current routine?

More about Kiki

I help heart-centred individuals find their way.

I’m no stranger to loss and hardship.

But through the brokenness, I’ve found healing, hope and joy in my life.

Healing and purposeful alignment are exactly what I bring to the clients that I work with.

With a combined 20 years working in Human Resources, Recruitment, Coaching and Mentoring, I bring both life and work experience to my coaching.

I believe we all have the answers to life’s deepest questions and as a coach, my job is to bring that out of you. My passion is watching high achieving individuals decrease their stress, find inner peace, improve personal relationships and generally increase their life satisfaction.

By working with the resources you already possess, we can work together to navigate life’s biggest obstacles and connect with your deepest purpose.

Spending a career mastering business, commercial success and professional development, it has given me the technical skills to help you through your toughest times.

Overcoming my own hardships in life, it has given me a deep understanding of where you are in your journey.

Everything I do with clients brings me such joy. So, when you work with me you can expect:

– A programme that meets you where you are 

– Empathy and support as you grow and learn 

– Structure and accountability to help you achieve your goals

You are valued. You are unique. You deserve to fall in love with your life.

Kiki Kirby Coaching + Consultancy

Mobile: 07734469482


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